Department of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour

Suzanna Becker, Ph.D., Professor


Dopamine in learning, memory & Psychosis

[pdf] Smith, A., Li, M., Becker, S. and Kapur, S. (2007), Linking animal models of psychosis to computational models of dopamine function. Neuropsychopharmacology 32(1):54-66, doi:10.1038/sj.npp.1301086,

[pdf] Smith, A., Li, M., Becker, S. and Kapur, S. (2006), Dopamine, prediction error, and associative learning: a model-based account. Network: Computation in Neural Systems 17(1):61-84.

[ pdf] Smith, A., Becker, S. and Kapur, S. (2005), A computational model of the selective role of the striatal D2-receptor in the expression of previously acquired behaviours. Neural Computation 17(2):361-395.

[ pdf] Smith, A., Li, M., Becker, S. and Kapur, S. (2004), A model of antipsychotic action in conditioned avoidance: a computational approach. Neuropsychopharmacology29(6):1040-9

Becker, S., Chan, A., Fletcher, P., Smith, A. and Kapur, S. (2003), ``A computational model of the role of dopamine and psychotropic drugs in modulating motivated action'', Schizophrenia Research 60(1) Supplement: Abstracts of th IXth International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, page 164.

Smith, A., Becker, S. and Kapur, S. (2003). From dopamine to psychosis: A computational approach. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, St Anne's College, University of Oxford, U.K.

Becker, S., Chan, A., Fletcher, P. and Kapur, S. (2002), A computational network model of the neural circuits subserving motivated behaviours, Biological Psychiatry 51(8S). Abstract.