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The Developmental Neuroscience Lab is part of the Department of Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour, at McMaster University, in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

The activities of the lab focus on conducting multidisciplinary research in the rapidly growing field of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. By studying the neurological mechanisms that underlie changes in cognitive and affective function across development we hope to improve our understanding of both typical and atypical development.

Particularly, we are interested in how atypical patterns of neural structure and function relate to psychopathology and in the implications of lifelong neural plasticity for resilience, health, and recovery. It is our belief that the knowledge we gain through our research will contribute to earlier diagnosis, better treatment, and better outcomes for children, adolescents and adults affected by neurodevelopmental disorders.

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Our lab is an exciting and vibrant environment that is setup to take advantage of cutting-edge resources at the Imaging Research Centre and includes behavioural neuroscience resources and equipment for studying eye tracking, sound signal processing, music cognition, cognitive training and Transcrainal Direct Cortical Stimulation.

While functional MRI is the centrepiece to our labs imaging research, our imaging repertoire includes morphometric (volumetry, cortical thickness), Diffusion Tensor, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Electroencephalography, and Positron Emission Tomography imaging modalities.
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